Home / Hybrid Cloud Architecture

VORTEX uses a hybrid cloud architecture that enables greater hardware compatibility, AI video analytics, 24/7 video recording, and automatic software upgrades, providing greatly efficient security. The hybrid cloud architecture's mix of in-camera local storage, edge AI, and video archiving & backup to the cloud ensure bandwidth efficiency, easy accessibility, and a smarter & easier way to manage video surveillance.

VORTEX Hybrid Cloud Architecture

  • State-of-Art Edge AI

    • Real-time alert with rich rules
    • Efficient deep search
    • Counting technology

  • Variety of Cameras

    • 2M/5M/4K
    •180/360 panoramic cameras
    • Compact series
    • Non-Lock-in (capable of flashing back to ONVIF cameras)

  • Flexible Offerings

    • Essential and Premium product lines
    • Standard and Professional license

  • Comprehensive Security Protection

    • End-to-end data encryption
    • HTTPS transmission from camera to the cloud
    • NDAA compliance

  • Ease of Use & Scalability

    • Zero configuration
    • Multi-site, remote monitoring & management
    • Automatic firmware and analytics updates

  • Cloud Backup & Archive

    • Unlimited cloud archive
    • 30-day cloud backup
    • Easily export and share footage

  • Affordable Surveillance

    • Standard and professional license options
    • Pricing options for light to heavy users
    • Economical for peace of mind